Coin Address Generator for PC and Mac – Download Free

Coin Address Generator for PC and Mac

Written by Khoa Pham

  • Category: Productivity
  • Date of release: 2023-10-15
  • Licence: $2.99
  • Software version 1.1
  • File size 5.49 MB
  • Compatibility Windows 11 and Windows 10 are compatible with Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Mac OS 10 11.11, and Windows 8.
  • How it works

What is Great

1. OpenSSL seeds are available at /dev/urandom. They guarantee very high entropy, so your keys will always be random and safe.

2. Would you give your money safe key to strangers? The same holds true for cryptocurrencies. If you have the keys, the money will be yours.

Description and Features for the Coin Address Generator

Important Features

Latest Version: 1.1

Licence: $2.99

What does Coin Address Generator do? You can go to some websites, create an account and have them manage your online wallets there. It also means that you can lose your money when they are hacked or compromised. Some websites make exporting private keys very difficult. Would you share your safe key with strangers to get your money? You can do the same for cryptocurrencies. Your money is yours if you have the keys. AddressGenerator Features AddressGenerator features allow you to generate your own key pairs. No extra dependencies. Support PC 10.11 Generate key pair using OpenSSL. On PC 10.13, it’s LibreSSL 2.2.7. This fork of OpenSSL was released in 2014. OpenSSL seed from /dev/urandom. This guarantees extremely high entropy and your keys will remain random and secure. You don’t need to save or network. Your keys are generated and only you know about it. Many cryptocurrencies are fast supported





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